Her Extraordinary Light Workshop
Next Session January 2024
Her Extraordinary Light Workshop is a four week program, geared to help our community explore, expand, and share the extraordinary light that is within. When properly accessed, our light reveals itself across all areas of our lives- our relationship with ourselves and our bodies, our personal relationships, our businesses, and so on. The goal is to end the workshop confidently operating from a place of joy, with a solid plan to move forward on the path that is meant for you, with a new community of like-minded women. ​
- WEEK 1: We dig deep into our belief systems and we learn tools to unlock our expanding identities that suit the needs of our goals. We connect to our highest self, we map out life on our highest self's terms, and we learn actionable measures to consistently execute our vision.
- WEEK 2: Studies have shown that anywhere from 45-90% of our every day life is habitual. Here, we conduct an analysis of our current habits, we are honest about what needs to change, and we learn how to change our habits. We also conduct an analysis of our community- partners, friends, peers, family, etc- and we determine what adjustments need to be made in order to show up in our extraordinary light.
- WEEK 3: No accomplishment can be sustained without good health. We look at our wellbeing from a holistic perspective. We discuss our mental, physical, spiritual, financial, and community based wellbeing and we learn actionable methods to improve upon these areas.
- WEEK 4: We create a business and branding strategy aligned with our expanded identities and goals. We also review monetary and time driven investment management.
Jacqui Ungar
Her Extraordinary Light worksop was the perfect opportunity to self-reflect, provided with strategies on how to self manage and utilized with resources to enhance your knowledge towards your daily habits. The collaboration amongst other small business owners and professionals was a highlight towards the end of the workshop!
Amanda Britt
The HER Extraordinary Light Workshop was 4 weeks worth of inspiring, relieving, insightful and energizing sessions. The topics covered were so relevant to us, with the group being from every background and walk of life. Adri opened up valuable new perspectives on my situation and left me with tools to use on my road to achieving my ultimate dreams. I was most impressed by the emotional space she held for each of us throughout the month long journey. Honored and grateful to be apart of the HER Collective.